Undergraduate studies


Tuition from as little as PLN 350 per month
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Duration of study:
3 years (6 semesters)

Number of specialities
to choose from:

Mode of study: part-time

only 5 minutes!

What you will learn at university:

  • What are the forms and manifestations of crime.
  • What are the methods of measurement and quantitative analysis of crime.
  • How to eliminate factors that threaten public and individual safety.
  • How cybercriminals work.
  • How to use and fight crime prevention methods.
  • How to conduct an investigation and enquiry.
  • How to question persons suspected of committing a crime.
  • How to build versions of an event.
  • How to perform a post-mortem.
  • What type of perpetrators, conduct a search or search.
  • What rehabilitation measures to take with addicts and those in conflict with the criminal law.
  • How to support and assist victims of crime.
  • How to identify and analyse different types of phenomena in the sphere of development and social security.
  • How to diagnose and address deviance, social pathology and victimology.
  • What are the causes of deviance and social pathologies.
  • How to forecast social pathologies.

Description of the course "Criminology"

Bachelor's degree in Criminology with a practical profile provides the opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge and practical skills as well as general knowledge in the field of social sciences, in the legal sciences and security sciences, especially in combating crime, criminology, criminology, victimology, re-socialisation and in the area of criminal and social policy. The programme of this field of study equips graduates with knowledge of crime in its various forms and manifestations, criminogenic phenomena, methods of preventing and combating crime, elimination of factors threatening public safety and individual security, support and assistance to victims of crime, rehabilitation activities both with regard to addicts and those involved in conflict with criminal law. At the same time, studies in the field of Criminology provide the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills to understand the social phenomena described as crime-related.

Bachelor's degree in Criminology with a practical profile will prepare specialists in the areas of combating crime, criminology, forecasting social pathologies and victimology in terms of: threats to national security including criminological threats, cyber threats and social pathologies, the legal system in force in the area of criminology, institutions responsible for ensuring public security in the broad sense, issues relating to methods and forms of preventing and combating crime, its control and forecasting, interrogating people, re-socialisation, forensic techniques, victimology, ensuring cyber security or psychological elements related to criminology. 

Graduates of Criminology Bachelor degree students will acquire comprehensive analytical and interpretative as well as practical skills from the point of view of the labour market needs, especially in terms of the ability to take a creative and analytical approach to criminology problems, ease in communicating solutions and leading discussions, tolerance for alternative points of view, knowledge of fundamental concepts shaping the background of criminology, which is widely understood as internal security, ability to quickly acquire new competences and skills as a result of the intellectual flexibility necessary to face the problems of this security. Graduates will also be desirable specialists for the development and implementation of both programmes and strategies in the field of criminology and homeland security, for making priority decisions concerning the development of this security, the elimination of its threats as well as the elimination of its consequences.

Recruitment rules

What about after criminology?

This course of study will prepare you for employment in bodies, institutions or services such as:

  • Police,
  • City Guard,
  • Prison Service,
  • Border Guard,
  • Military Police,
  • CBA,
  • ABW,
  • Customs and Fiscal Control Offices.

You will be able to, also become a probation officer.

The studies will enable you to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to work in: state and local government institutions and offices, socio-therapeutic day-care centres, day-support centres and educational establishments - implementing upbringing and prevention activities, non-governmental organisations and other institutions dealing with: security, crime, observance of human rights and protection of crime victims.

You will also develop skills and competences useful for employment in the private sector, including: specialist security formations, private security agencies and detective companies.

Choose the speciality for you:

Crime fighting and forensic science
Social pathologies and victimology

This pathway will enable you to learn about the organisational structures, competences and principles of the entities responsible for ensuring security and combating crime. You will develop your knowledge of criminal law, from a substantive and procedural point of view. You will delve into criminology, penology and criminal policy. You will master methods for measuring and analysing crime quantitatively. You will learn about the structures of organised crime and the overt and covert ways of fighting it. You will develop your skills in working with an individual case (case study method - gathering information, verification, interviewing and preparing a prevention, correction or intervention plan). You will learn how to conduct an interview and how to question an elderly person or a child as a witness. You will gain basic knowledge about securing the scene (crime) and traces. You will learn how to take fingerprints from different surfaces and how to take a scent trail or secure a footprint in the snow.

With this specialisation, you will be a highly qualified professional prepared to work in family support centres and crisis intervention centres. You will learn how to understand the needs of clients in these centres and plan their personal and professional development. You acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and analyse different phenomena in the field of social development and security. You develop your ability to diagnose and solve complex problems in the field of deviance, social pathology and victimology. The curriculum of this specialisation includes, among others, classes on selected issues from: pedagogy, psychology, sociology, law, biomedical basis of development and upbringing. You will also study subjects in the field of: criminology and criminology (issues of green criminology, cybercrime, organised and economic crime), methods and techniques of rehabilitation and criminological work, methods of work with: addicts, juvenile perpetrators and victims of crime.

Study programme and structure

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The Pomeranian University of Science and Technology (PSW) supports students in the use of the infrastructure for education using distance learning methods and techniques. At PSW, distance learning is conducted based on the MS Teams service. Training courses are provided at the University to adequately prepare students to use e-learning tools. The University offers students assistance in the form of the possibility to use the Internet for free or to install appropriate software. Outside of class hours, students can use the computer labs located at the University to write their final (stage) work or thesis. Studies at the Pomeranian University are conducted in a hybrid mode. Lectures, laboratory classes and workshop exercises take place at the premises of the University. Classes are also held at the premises of partner institutions. The University building is adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. As part of support in the learning process and in the area of well-being and mental health care, students can take advantage of specialist advice from the Academic Psychological and Pedagogical Support Centre, the Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Legal Support Centre.

Classes in the 'criminology' course are taught by, among others:

Wykładowca Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej

Dr Robert Czerniak

Doctor of political sciences, long-time employee of companies related to rail and road transport. Lecturer at many Polish universities, in particular in the fields of: internal security, administration, logistics, marketing.

Wykładowczyni Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej

Dr. Elżbieta Ważna

Doctor of Economics - specialist in finance, banking, marketing, management and also investment analysis and valuation. Professional practitioner with 25 years of experience. Long-time academic lecturer. Author of nearly 20 scientific publications and participant of numerous national and international conferences.

Wykładowca Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej

Dr Marcin Kęsy,
Prof. PSW

Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. Graduate of, inter alia, the Jagiellonian University and the University of Zielona Góra. He obtained his postdoctoral degree at VUZF University in Sofia. Honorary doctorate, entrepreneur, local government official.


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Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email: info@twojestudia.pl

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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