Scientific Circles

Students’ Administration Circle 

Management Board and Circle Supervisor

The aim of the Student Administration Circle is:

  1. initiating and implementing projects in the field of administrative science;
  2. developing practical skills using the acquired knowledge of administrative law;
  3. integrating the student community in the research;
  4. deepening the knowledge of administrative science, law and administrative procedure; 
  5. fostering an interest in science, research and self-education among the Circle’s members;
  6. stimulating discussions in academic circles about the condition of thepublic administration in the local area;
  7. cooperation with scientific institutions, local government and other organisations.

The Circle pursues its objectives through:

  1. organising scientific seminars, scientific conferences, symposia, readings, workshops, courses, debates and other initiatives to disseminate acquired knowledge in the field of administration;
  2. conducting scientific research and presenting the research results in the form of scientific articles;
  3. regular meetings of the members;
  4. attendance at meetings of governing bodies;
  5. undertaking collaborations with other study circles, organisations, associations, schools and other external bodies;
  6. further training of Circle members;
  7. paying visits to offices; 
  8. participating in conferences;
  9. promoting administration-related activities in schools, e.g. organising competitions.

Chairperson: Angelika Siemieńska
Vice-President: Magdalena Łukasiewicz
Treasurer: Agnieszka Szyszko
Secretary: Elżbieta Zielińska
SKA Supervisor: Dr Jarosław Ślęzak

Training meeting: Bullying does not pay - 26.11.2022 r. 

The training provided information on bullying within the areas of psychological harassment, discrimination and harassment in the workplace. The actions and consequences of this phenomenon for those affected were discussed, as well as assistance for victims of mobbing. The training concluded with certificates for participants. The training was conducted by the OSA National Anti-Bullying Association. 

I Scientific Conference Faces of Administration - Science and Practice - 17.12.2022 r. 

The conference consisted of two panels: expert panel I - with the participation of UG and PSW academics and local government representatives: Mayor of Starogard Gdański, Mayor of Czarna Woda, Vice-Mayor of Starogard Gdański Rural Municipality, Deputy Starogard Mayor, and student panel II - student papers: results of research from undergraduate theses on administration and Starogard local government.

Debate The Role and Position of Women in the 21st Century. Stagnation or evolution? - 4.03.2023 r. 

Debate with the participation of activists working for women and equality policy, as well as the Head of the Rural Commune of Starogard Gdanski. The event was held under the patronage of the Marshall of Pomeranian Voivodeship, Starost Starogard Gdanski, Mayor of Starogard Gdanski, Head of the Rural Commune of Starogard Gdanski. 

Debate Responsibility for the Word - 20.05.2023 r. 

Debate with the participation of the spokeswoman of the Poviat Starosty, the Deputy Head of the Social Information Department of the Starogard Gdański Town Hall, the editor-in-chief of the "Starogard Town Hall" and a journalist from Radio Starogard. The event was held under the patronage of: Starogard Starost, Mayor of Starogard Gdański and Radio Starogard.

Cultural and integration event Kociewie Picnic - 16.06.2023 r. 

Event organised together by PU Student Government and the Student Circle of Educators, the Student Scientific Circle "School of Skills" – for PU students and staff. The programme included a presentation of the activities of the PU Students' Council, a speech by the Vice-Rector for Quality of Education, a presentation of student scientific circles; a performance by a student music band, a quiz about Kociewie, sports competitions, regional dishes. 

Seminar entitled "Challenges of Local Government 2024 - 8.12.2023 r.

The event was organised by the Institute of Administration of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at the PU and the PU Student Administration Circle. The aim of the meeting was to exchange views and opinions on the functioning of local government in the social area and future development forecasts.

Wizyta studyjna w Europejskim Centrum Solidarności w Gdańsku i spotkanie z sędzią Igorem Tuleyą - 20.01.2024 r.

Wizyta w ECS zaczęła się od zwiedzania stałej wystawy, po której oprowadzał studentów  Rektor PSW dr Przemysław Ruchlewski. Następnie studenci udali się na spotkanie z sędzią, które poprzedziła projekcja filmu: „Sędziowie pod presją”. Rozmowę z gościem prowadzili: Przewodnicząca SKA Angelika Siemieńska i opiekun SKA dr Jarosław Ślęzak. Poruszono tematy naruszenia prawa UE i  odbudowy praworządności w Polsce. W trakcie rozmowy sędzia odpowiadał na pytania studentów.

Spotkanie z gdańską pisarką Barbarą Piórkowską - 24.02.2024 r.

Spotkanie prowadził Dyrektor Biblioteki PSW dr Arkadiusz Smagacz. Rozmowa dotyczyła twórczości pisarki, w tym najnowszej książki pt. „Gaja”. Pisarka odpowiadała na pytania studentów dotyczące tematyki jej utworów i życia osobistego.

Spotkanie z absolwentem PSW, Prezydentem Starogardu  Gdańskiego Januszem Stankowiakiem - 16.03.2024 r.

Wydarzenie inaugurujące cykl spotkanie z absolwentami PSW prowadziła Przewodnicząca  SKA Angelika Siemieńska. Prezydent miasta po zapoznaniu się ze zmianami jakie zaszły w PSW, podzielił się ze słuchaczami swoimi wspomnieniami związanymi z naszą Uczelnią i czasami studenckimi. Włodarz odpowiadał na liczne pytania zadawane przez studentów, dotyczące działalności na rzecz lokalnego samorządu.

Dzień Otwarty PSW - 22.03.2024 r.

Studenci z SKA uczestniczyli w Dniu Otwartym PSW. Marek Marquardt, funkcjonariusz Straży Miejskiej, student PSW poprowadził warsztaty pod nazwą „Raz, dwa, trzy monitoring miejski w Starogardzie Gdańskim patrzy! Gwarantujemy, że zdziwisz się co widzi”. Przewodnicząca SKA Angelika Siemieńska odpowiadała na pytania związane z życiem Uczelni, zasadami rekrutacji i kierunkami studiów w Punkcie informacyjno-rekrutacyjnym.

Debata „Kobiety a rzeczywistość” - 13.04.2024 r.

W debacie udział wzięły: Jej prelegentkami były: dr Joanna Gondek, prof. UG - Zastępca Dyrektora Instytutu Fizyki Doświadczalnej UG ds. dydaktycznych, Joanna Rzepka - inżynierka budownictwa, prezeska spółki Navicon z Tczewa oraz Członkini Zarządu Polpharma Biologics Warsaw sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Ożarowie Mazowieckim, inicjatorka powstania Powiatowej Rady ds. Kobiet Powiatu Starogardzkiego i jej Przewodnicząca oraz Angelika Siemieńska - Przewodnicząca Studenckiego Koła Administracji PSW, Prezeska Zarządu Jednostki Ogólnopolskiej Organizacji Pozarządowej Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego Oddziału Powiatowego Starogard Gdański, Komendantka Hufca ZHP Starogard Gdański. Moderowała socjolożka mgr Magdalena Chrakin- Jaszcza. W dyskusji dotyczącej przełamywania stereotypów, stosowania feminatywów oraz zmian kulturowych i edukacyjnych, które wpłynęły na postrzeganie roli kobiet brali czynny udział studenci. Wydarzenie zorganizowane zostało przy pomocy Dyrektor Instytutu Pedagogiki PSW dr hab. Roksolyany Shvay, prof. PSW.


Cultural and integration event - May 2024.

Meeting with the writer Anna Sakowicz, art workshops for children and competition - June 2024. 


Student Scientific Circle "School of Skills" 

Management Board and Circle Supervisor

Aims and objectives:

  1. creating opportunities for its members to deepen their scientific knowledge resulting from the profile and scope of studies at the Institute of Logistics;
  2. broadening the interests and enabling the outstanding students to do creative work;
  3. introducing the students to the academic and research work, and enabling them to exchange experiences and the results of their own research work;
  4. improving interpersonal skills through teamwork;
  5. promoting academic culture within the student community;
  6. deepening social integration of the members of the Circle and other circles, as well as the students of the Pomeranian University in Starogard Gdanski;
  7. creating opportunities for its members to liaise with Students’ Scientific Circles of other universities and colleges in Poland and abroad, if such contacts are available at the Pomeranian University of Starogard Gdanski.

The Circle pursues its objectives through:

  1. initiating and organising research and self-education activities;
  2. participating in scientific seminars and conferences, workshops, etc.;
  3. undertaking and carrying out research work;
  4. organising meetings with representatives of the scientific community;
  5. cooperating with student organisations and other scientific and cultural bodies in Poland and abroad;
  6. organising study tours;
  7. launching an informational service on the activities of the Circle on the website of the Pomeranian University.

Chairperson: Sandra Dysarz
Deputy: Patrycja Lemanczyk
Treasurer: Andrzej Łaski
Secretary:Justyna Myszkier
Circle mentor: Maciej Ślusarczyk, MA

Planned events:

Workshop: "Competences of the future" for the Stakeholder Council and the socio-economic environment.

Internal Security Students’ Circle

Management Board and Circle Supervisor

The aim of the Internal Security Students’ Circle is:

  1. initiating and implementing internal security projects;
  2. deepening the knowledge of homeland security sciences;
  3. fostering an interest in science, research and self-education among the Circle members. 


The Circle pursues its objectives through:

  1. organising scientific seminars, scientific conferences, symposia, readings, workshops, courses, debates and other initiatives to disseminate acquired knowledge in the field of administration;
  2. conducting scientific research and presenting the research results in the form of scientific articles;
  3. regular meetings of the members;
  4. attendance at meetings of governing bodies;
  5. undertaking collaborations with other study circles, organisations, associations, schools and other external bodies;
  6. further training of Circle members;
  7. paying visits to offices; 
  8. participating in conferences;
  9. promoting administration-related activities in schools, e.g. organising competitions.

President: Dawid Kulla 
Vice-President: Wojciech Jastroch
Treasurer: Michal Drzewuszewski 
Secretary: Arletta Frontczak 
SKBWE Guardian: Dr Rafał Depczyński

1st debate "Homeland Security" - March 2024.

Participation in the Open Day of the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology  - 22.03.2024 r.


Planned events:

Second debate on international security - May 2024.

Participation and assistance in the organisation of a scientific conference - June 2024.

Action "Register with the base" (DKMS base) for Sports Day - June 2024.

3rd debate "Local security" - October 2024.

Action "Donate blood" - November 2024.

Fourth debate with an expert "Learn about UN missions" - December 2024.  


Students’ Pedagogy Circle 

Management Board and Circle Supervisor

The aim of the Students’ Pedagogy Circle:

  1. initiating and implementing projects in the field of pedagogical science;
  2. developing practical skills using acquired knowledge of pedagogical science;
  3. integrating the student community in the research;
  4. deepening the knowledge of pedagogical sciences;
  5. fostering an interest among the Circle’s members in scientific work, research and self-education;
  6. stimulating discussion in academic circles about the condition of Kociewie’s childcare and educational facilities;
  7. cooperation with scientific institutions, local government and other organisations.

The Circle pursues its objectives by:

  1. organising scientific seminars, scientific conferences, symposia, lectures, workshops, courses, debates, training courses, integrating the student community and other initiatives to disseminate acquired knowledge in the field of pedagogy;
  2. conducting scientific research and presenting the research results in the form of scientific articles;
  3. regular meetings of the members;
  4. undertaking cooperation with other study circles, organisations;
  5. cooperation with associations, schools and other external bodies;
  6. further training of Circle members;
  7. organising visits to the foster care facilities;
  8. participating in conferences;
  9. promoting activities and ideas related to pedagogy in the local environment through the organisation of competitions, meetings, talks, workshops on social problems and needs, prevention of various threats, counteracting exclusion and marginalisation of various social groups, anti-discrimination measures, equal treatment measures, etc.

Chairperson: Katarzyna Kuchta
Vice-President: Wiktoria Malinowska
Treasurer: Joanna Bak
Secretary: Monika Krefft
SKP Supervisor: Dr Anna Majer

Co-organisation of student integration event "Kociewie Picnic" - 16.06.2023 r. A joint activity of the PSW Student Government and study circles.

Partner conference "Child victims of crime" - 28.09.2023, organised at the PSW by the 'Give Children Strength' Foundation.

Co-organisation of the official opening of the new Pomeranian University Library and the meetings with the writer Barbara Piórkowska - 24.02.2024 r.

Participation in Mindfulness in Education" workshop- 02.03.2024 r. Participants were introduced to the idea of mindfulness in education and were able to practise selected mindfulness and self-development techniques.

Co-organisation under Open Day at the Pomeranian University of Technology - 22.03.2024, workshop for secondary school students  "At PSW we don't bore, we use edutainment! Even before matriculation, we will show you how to learn through entertainment - by creating games". The workshop showed how the idea of edutainment can be implemented in academic education.

Co-organisation of workshop "Teaching innovations in the PSW"- 23.03.2024 r.. As part of the workshop, Dr Anna Majer, presented the assumptions of her project: "Turn a textbook into a board game", in which 2nd year pedagogy students prepared educational board games on the topic of social inclusion in the field of disability issues. The students then presented and discussed their work. 

Co-organisation of inter-university scientific-student symposium on outstanding women in history and the debates "Women and Reality" - 13.04.2023 r. The symposium was attended by academics as well as PhD students and postgraduates from several universities. One of its objectives was to develop the scientific competence of students within the framework of the issues raised. The debate, on the other hand, brought together a large audience to meet and listen to speeches by women who have been professionally involved in a stereotypically male industry and to discuss women's rights.


Planned events:

Organisation II Kociew Picnic - an integration event in Grodzisk Owidz - 17.05.2024 r. 

Co-organisation of Children's Day at PSW  - 1.06.2024.


Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email:

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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