The Student Council

We invite you to learn more about the activities of the Student Council of the Pomeranian University in Starogard Gdanski

The Student Council at the Pomeranian University represents all students of the University. Students elect the members of the Student Council in democratic elections, which take place yearly, in October.

The role of the Council:

  1. representing students before the University authorities;
  2. attending meetings of the university committees such as the Senate and the Quality of Education Committee and the Scholarship Committee;
  3. expressing opinions of the student community; 
  4. organising cultural events and student events at the University;

Members of the PU Student Council in the academic year 2023/2024

  1. Marek Marquardt - President of the PU Student Council 
  2. Rafał Zacharski – Vice President of the PU Student Council
  3. Marcelina Chyła – Secretary of the PU Student Council


We invite you to learn more about the activities of the Student Council of the Pomeranian University in Starogard Gdanski

Photo gallery of events co-organised by the student government

Student Government Regulations

Annex to Order No. 17/2023 Rector of the Pomeranian College of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański of 28 April 2023. Rules of Procedure of the Student Self-Government of the Pomeranian University of Starogard Gdański
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV



The Students' Self-Government of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański, hereinafter referred to as the Self-Government, consists of all Students of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański, hereinafter referred to as the University.


  1. Rules of Procedure of the Pomeranian University Students' Self-Government in Starogard Gdański, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, is established pursuant to the Act of 20 July 2018. Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e. OJ 2022, 574) and the Statutes of the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology in Starogard Gdański.
  2. The Rules of Procedure set out the principles and functioning of the Local Government.

§ 3

Students' Self-Government of the Pomeranian University of Starogard Gdański
is the sole representative of the University Students as a whole.


  1. The Students' Self-Government of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański is active at the University in the field of student affairs, including social and cultural affairs of the Students. The Students' Self-Government performs the tasks assigned to the Self-Government by the Act.
  2. The Students' Self-Government of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański decides on the distribution of funds allocated by the University for student affairs.
  3. Student representatives on Student Government bodies shall be guided by
    the interests of students and the welfare of the University in their actions.


The University provides the necessary material resources for the operation of the Student Government bodies, guided by the financial possibilities of the University,
taking into account the legitimate needs of the Local Authority.


The task of the Student Council in particular is:

  1. protecting the rights and interests of Students;
  2. representing the students vis-à-vis the authorities of the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology
    in Starogard Gdański;
  3. expressing opinions on their behalf;
  4. Representing Pomeranian Students in student and youth organisations;
  5. initiating and supporting Students' activities in scientific, cultural, tourist and sporting activities;
  6. Co-deciding on the distribution of financial aid funds for Students.



The Local Government acts through its bodies, hereinafter referred to as Local Government Bodies.


The organs of the Local Government are:
  1. Council of Elders, which is the legislative body of the Student Council;
  2. Student Government President;
  3. Student Government Board.


  1. The legislative body of the Local Government is the Council of Elders.
  2. The executive body of the Student Council is the President of the Student Council.
  3. The Student Government Board consists of the Student Government President, the Deputy Student Government President and the Secretary.
  4. The term of office of the Local Government bodies is one year, starting on 20 October and ending on 19 October of the following year.
  5. In the case of a term of office that continues during the final year of study of the members of the Local Government Bodies, the term of office ends on 20 October of the following year.
  6. The organs of the Self-Governing Body determine their own working procedures.



  1. The University's legislative body of the Students' Union is the Council of the Pomeranian University of Applied Sciences.
  2. The Pomeranian University's Council of Heads of School consists of the Heads of School of all years and modes of study.
  3. The powers of the Board of Governors of the Pomeranian University include in particular:
    1. Appointment and removal of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Secretary;
    2. the election of representatives to university bodies, including but not limited to the University Disciplinary Committee for Academic Teachers , the Disciplinary Committee for Students, the Disciplinary Committee for Students, the Scholarship Committee, the Scholarship Appeal Committee, the Education Quality Committee;
    3. adopting the Rules of Procedure of the Student Government of the Pomeranian University and amendments to the Rules of Procedure.


Meetings of the Council of Elders are convened by the President of the Student Government. Meetings of the Council of Elders are chaired by the Chairperson of the Student Government and are held at the university or online.


  1. The Board of Governors of the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology shall have the right to bring forward to the President of the Students' Union for proposed resolutions on matters falling within the scope of the Self-Government.
  2. Resolutions are adopted by a simple majority.
  3. In the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote is decisive.
  4. Voting shall be by secret ballot unless the majority decides otherwise. A returning committee shall be elected before the vote.



  1. The academic executive body of the Pomeranian University Students' Council is the President of the Students' Council.
  2. All statements on behalf of the Student Government are made by the President of the Student Government. The President's responsibilities include all matters of the Student Government. not reserved by the Act, the Statutes or the Regulations to the competence of the organs of the Local Government or the members of these organs.
  3. The Student Government Board supports the Student Government President in his/her tasks.
  4. The powers of the President of the Student Government of the Pomeranian University include in particular:
    1. representation of the Local Government;
    2. controlling and ensuring the implementation of the Local Government's resolutions;
    3. organising meetings to integrate the University's students;
    4. supporting the scientific, tourist, cultural and sporting initiatives of students;
    5. cooperating with other student governments and organisations;
    6. Deciding whether to take industrial action or strike within the University;
    7. expressing the opinions of the student community on important matters relating to the community or requiring its expression;
    8. providing assistance and intervening when there is a risk of are the rights of students or groups of students;
    9. building a positive image of the University;
    10. Supervise the election by the Council of Elders of representatives to the Local Government to university bodies.
  5. The President of the Student Government presents the programme action plans for the academic year to the Dean and the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs.
  6. Action plans that require funding from the university should specify a preliminary calculation: one copy of the Local Government's action plan should be submitted to the Dean's Office by the end of December of the relevant year.
  7. The records of the Local Government, including relevant election resolutions, work plans and, where necessary, financial accounts with the University shall be maintained by the President or his/her designees.
  8. The responsibilities of the Deputy President of the Student Government include:
    1. deputising for the President of the Student Government;
    2. Carrying out tasks assigned by the President of the Student Government.
  9. The remit of the Secretary of the Students' Union is:
    1. Running the office of the Student Council;
    2. preparing the agenda for meetings and meetings of the Students' Self-Government as well as notifying the members of the Self-Government Bodies of the time and place of meetings;
    3. preparing and posting announcements on the Student Government board, website, Facebook social network and other media adopted by the PSW, information about the resolutions and decisions of the Student Government and the decisions of the President of the Student Government;
    4. Carrying out tasks assigned by the President and Deputy President of the Students' Union;
    5. taking minutes at meetings of the Student Council.


    1. The President of the Student Government, the Executive Board of the Student Government and any of its members may be dismissed by the Council of Elders.
    2. In the event of the removal from office of the President or one or more members of the Executive Board of the Student Government, the members of the Council of Elders shall fill the resulting vacancy within a period not exceeding 14 days after the removal, by means of an election as defined in Chapter III of these Regulations.


    1. The Executive Board of the Local Government deliberates in ordinary meetings and extraordinary.
    2. An ordinary meeting shall be convened by the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman.
    3. An extraordinary meeting is convened by the President on his/her own initiative, by members of the Student Government Board or at the request of the Dean or the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs.


    All collegiate bodies of the Students' Self-Government take decisions by a simple majority of votes, with at least half of the members present. If a quorum is not present at a meeting of a given collegiate body, the Chairperson of the Students' Government shall convene the meeting at a second time, which may take place no earlier than 15 minutes after the quorum is established. A meeting commenced at the second time limit shall have the power to take decisions irrespective of the number of members present. This provision shall also apply to the elections held as part of the Council of Elders referred to in § 18, point 3.


§ 17

Elections of the Student Government President and the Student Government Board are held at the beginning of each academic year, no later than 21 October.


The order of the election is as follows:
  1. The President of the Student Council, whose term of office is coming to an end, recommends that the election of the Heads of Year be held;
  2. All elected Lat Chiefs form the Council of Chiefs;
  3. The Council of Elders, at a meeting convened by the President of the Student Government whose term of office is coming to an end, shall elect from among its members a new President of the Student Government and other members of the Student Government Board.


The Starost of the Year is elected by the students of the year of the respective course. Passive The right to vote and the right to be actively elected is granted to each student of the year, of the course concerned.


  1. The election of the Starost of the Year is carried out by a simple majority.
  2. Each of the elected Elders of the Year shall make a declaration of consent to stand and serve as an Elder.
  3. The Executive Board of the Student Government draws up a list of elected Heads of Year who form the Council of Heads of Year of the Student Government.


In the event of one or more vacancies occurring after the removal of the President, member or members of the Student Government Board, a by-election shall be held by the Council of Elders.


The term of office of the President of the Student Government and the member of the Student Executive Board and the Council of Elders expires:
  1. upon death;
  2. in the event of a final sanction by the disciplinary committee;
  3. in the event of a break in studies as provided for in the Academic Regulations;
  4. in the event of cancellation;
  5. as a result of the written resignation of the mandate;
  6. in the event of loss of status as a Student of the Pomeranian University of Technology in Starogard Gdański.


§ 23
The Rules of Procedure shall enter into force after the Rector has declared them to be in conformity with
with the Law on Higher Education and Science and the Statutes of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański within 30 days of its submission.

Accepted by:
JM Rector PSW
President of the PSW Student Government

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email:

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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