Undergraduate studies


Tuition from as little as PLN 350 per month
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Duration of study:
3 years (6 semesters)

Number of specialities
to choose from:

Mode of study: part-time

only 5 minutes!

What you will learn at university:

  • How to get started in kindergarten, school, counselling and child development services, and you will learn what steps to take to develop your teaching career.
  • How to meet the needs of different groups and understand the wider socio-cultural context including education, parenting and care work - important for making good career decisions.
  • How to engage students of all ages and abilities through diverse content, from lessons on emotional intelligence to advice on entrepreneurship.
  • How to work on the development of younger and older wards and how to raise funds for them through state welfare.

Description of the course "Pedagogy"

The Bachelor of Education degree programme is offered to graduates of secondary schools. A prerequisite is the completion of secondary school along with passing the matriculation examination. Those interested in studying are required to be able to speak a modern foreign language at a basic level.

The studies last 3 years and end with the Bachelor's degree in pedagogy. The studies enable students to acquire basic knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, sociology necessary to understand the socio-cultural context of education, upbringing and care work and to shape their own professional development. In the course of study, students acquire social communication skills, the use of diagnostic workshop to describe, analyse, interpret and design complex pedagogical strategies and actions, in terms of practical action and the creation of their own methodological workshop. They acquire practical (methodical, workshop) skills in the course of methodical activities in connection with the realised professional practice, within the chosen specialisation. Students learn a reflective view of their own professional role and a deeper understanding of educational reality. The individual specialisations confer professional qualifications.

The educational concept implemented in the Pedagogy major provides:

  • allowing you to choose one of the specialisations currently on offer;
  1. Childcare pedagogy with nursery care
  2. Career and personal counselling
  3. Re-socialisation pedagogy
  • providing part-time degree programmes with a profile of practicallasting 6 semesters
  • inclusion of teaching and learning using distance learning methods and techniques in the educational process
  • the acquisition of competences and qualifications resulting from the graduate's participation in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills through the activity of continuous interaction with the environment and confronting newly acquired knowledge with practical experience.

Graduate of Pedagogy obtains a Bachelor's degree, and also has the opportunity to continue his or her education in other second-level and postgraduate courses.

Recruitment rules

What about after pedagogy?

Graduate of the Bachelor of Education degree in Pedagogy:

  • has a general, theoretically grounded knowledge of pedagogy and related disciplines, 
  • demonstrates self-reliance in acquiring and deepening professional knowledge and in using this knowledge to describe, analyse, interpret and design complex pedagogical strategies and actions, 
  • has well-developed practical skills (methodical, workshop) acquired in the course of methodical classes in connection with the professional practice carried out, within the chosen specialisation,
  • Has the skills to communicate professionally with the various actors of pedagogical processes and to carry out professional activities respecting ethical principles and norms,
  • is characterised by reflexivity in action and over pedagogical action directed towards the other person (or groups).

Graduates of the Faculty of Pedagogy obtain the professional title of Bachelor of Science., he/she is prepared to work in a variety of establishments implementing educational, cultural and educational activities, as well as to undertake second-level studies.

Choose the speciality for you:

Career and personal counselling
Childcare pedagogy
with nursery care
Re-socialisation pedagogy

Graduates of the career and personal counselling specialisation:

  • has knowledge of the theoretical foundations of career choice, career planning and educational pathway,
  • has practical skills in counselling methods in relation to different forms of vocational and educational guidance, including that provided to school pupils.

Graduate This specialization is prepared to undertake employment as a vocational counsellor in labour offices, social welfare centres, HR and personnel departments, public employment services (district and voivodeship labour offices, career information and planning centres); Voluntary Labour Corps (among others in Youth Education and Labour Centres, Youth Job Centres, Mobile Vocational Information Centres, Job Clubs); employment agencies (among others in job placement agencies, career counselling agencies, personal counselling and temporary work agencies); training institutions (public and consulting); social dialogue institutions; institutions of social dialogue; institutions of the labour market (public and consulting).Employment agencies (e.g. employment agencies, vocational counselling agencies, personnel counselling and temporary work agencies); training institutions (public and consulting); social dialogue institutions; local partnership institutions; Academic Career Offices; Commune Information Centres; Business Support Centres; personnel departments of enterprises; NGOs. 

Graduates will also be able to enter the labour market as: vocational counsellors in schools, out-of-school educational institutions, institutions providing care and upbringing for students during periods of study away from their permanent place of residence; vocational counsellors in psychological and pedagogical counselling centres.

Graduate of the specialisation in care pedagogy with nursery care:

  • has in-depth knowledge of the care and upbringing of children and adolescents in various types of temporary and total care institutions, of the methodology of care and upbringing work and of the legal basis of the organisation of care and upbringing activities,
  • has the practical skills to fulfil caring and educational tasks as well as supporting the development and functioning of children and young people.

Graduate Specialisation in educational pedagogy with nursery care prepares the student to work in educational institutions (nurseries, children's clubs, children's homes, emergency rooms, children's homes, boarding schools, dormitories), school day care centres, environmental day care centres, educational counselling centres, children's holiday centres, sanatoriums.

Graduate of the specialisation in rehabilitation pedagogy:

  • has an in-depth knowledge of the socialisation process and of social maladjustment and social pathologies, as well as of pedagogical re-socialisation interventions,
  • has practical skills in working with people at risk of maladjustment and socially maladjusted people and their families, both in the open environment and in re-socialisation institutions.

Professional competences of the graduates of this specialisation allow them to undertake work in re-socialisation institutions functioning in open environments (probation centres for youth work, sociotherapeutic day centres and others), as well as in re-socialisation institutions of a closed nature (e.g. correctional institutions, correctional centres, shelters for minors).

Study programme and structure

Download: Study programme   |   Learning outcomes   |   Syllabuses   |   Rules and regulations for traineeships specialising in vocational and personnel counselling   |   Rules and regulations for traineeships, specialization: educational pedagogy with nursery care   |   Rules of practice specialisation: rehabilitation pedagogy
The Pomeranian University of Science and Technology (PSW) supports students in the use of the infrastructure for education using distance learning methods and techniques. At PSW, distance learning is conducted based on the MS Teams service. Training courses are provided at the University to adequately prepare students for the use of e-learning tools. The University offers students assistance in the form of the possibility to use the Internet for free or to install appropriate software. Outside of class hours, students can use the computer labs located at the University to write their final (stage) work or thesis. Studies at the Pomeranian University are conducted in a hybrid mode. Lectures, laboratory classes and workshop exercises take place at the premises of the University. Classes are also held at the premises of partner institutions. The University building is adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. As part of support in the learning process and in the area of well-being and mental health care, students can take advantage of specialist advice from the Academic Psychological and Pedagogical Support Centre, the Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Legal Support Centre.

Classes on the 'pedagogy' course include:

Wykładowczyni Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej

Dr Roksolyana Shvay

PhD in social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy, professor at PSW. She has experience in teaching science and in teaching pedagogical subjects. She specialises in the theory and methodology of teaching professional disciplines, psychology and pedagogy. Her scientific activities include research in teaching methodology, pedagogy of creativity.

Wykładowczyni Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej

Prof. Joanna Kruk-Lasocka

Doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy - special education. She has inspired actions to promote autism issues in Lower Silesia and has been an active member of the National Autism Society. Propagator of the idea of psychomotorics. Founder and member of the National Association of Psychomotorics.

Wykładowczyni Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej

Dr Monika Kurzynoga

Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy, graduate of pedagogy at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. Author of several scientific articles. Winner of the competition for the most interesting master's thesis in pedagogy in 2009, author of the best doctoral thesis in Poland in the Ombudsman for Children competition in 2018. School and family pedagogue, therapist, probation officer. 


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Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email: info@twojestudia.pl

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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