
Check out the scholarship opportunities and conditions.


The general rules for awarding material aid for students of the Pomeranian University are regulated by:

  • Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1668.).
  • Pomeranian University's student benefits regulations, which are effective from 1 October 2024.
See regulations

Rector's scholarship

The Rector's scholarship for the best students may be applied for by students who have cleared the 2023/2024 academic year on time and have submitted a fully completed transcript to the dean's office, by no later than 30 October 2024. Rector's scholarship for the best students shall be granted only upon student – this applies to students of all years. The rector's scholarship for the best students is awarded to no more than 10% of the number of students in each field of study. The funds earmarked for the Rector's scholarship for the best students constitute no more than 40% of the funds earmarked in total for the Rector's scholarships for the best students, maintenance grants and financial aid. The mean grade calculated for the Rector's scholarship for the best students is the arithmetic mean of all (positive and negative) grades from examinations and final tests. The average is calculated to two decimal places, without rounding up. Students may apply for the scholarship if their mean grade equals or exceeds 4.75.


Most important information

Maximum income

The amount of monthly net income per person in the family from 1 October 2024, entitling a student to apply for a maintenance grant may not exceed the amount of PLN 1570.50Final threshold of net income per person for a social scholarship at Pomeranian University will be determined once all applications have been received.

Deadline for submission of applications

The application for the scholarship, consisting of all required documents, must be submitted by until 30 October 2024. Successful scholarship applications submitted by this deadline will be implemented from the beginning of the academic year or semester for which they were awarded.

Application address

Pomeranian University
112/114 Kościuszki St.
Starogard Gdański
pok. 03 ( Dziekanat)

Additional information

A student who is taking several courses at the same time may receive a scholarship only on one of them, according to their choice. The Dean's Office does not provide information or complete scholarship applications. All information is provided on the website, please read it carefully. It is the student's responsibility to submit the correct application with all attachments.


List of documents necessary to establish the income in the student's family (short version):

For situations that are not described here, please refer to the aforementioned Regulations.

Students applying for the scholarship for disabled people are required to attach a copy of their disability certificate to their application (the original must be submitted for verification by an employee of the dean's office).

By decision of the JSC, the certificates attached to the application for social benefits must not have been issued more than one month prior to the submission of the application.

If copies of documents (e.g. court judgement, death certificate, birth certificate, marriage certificate, disability certificate) are enclosed with the application, their originals must also be submitted for verification in the Dean's Office, so an employee can confirm the compliance of the copies.

Decisions on welfare benefits will be announced in November 2024.

A student may receive the scholarship in the form of a transfer to their bank account. In order for this to happen, the student is required to submit an application in person to the Dean's Office of the University. 

Application for a social grant

Application for a special scholarship

Application for Rector's scholarship

Application for the grant

Wyniki Komisji Stypendialnej z dnia 20.11.2024

Stypendia dla osób niepełnosprawnych w roku akademickim 2024/2025 wnioski rozpatrzone pozytywnie

Stypendia dla osób niepełnosprawnych w roku akademickim 2024/2025 wnioski rozpatrzone negatywnie

Stypendia Rektora w roku akademickim 2024/2025 wnioski rozpatrzone pozytywnie

Stypendia Rektora w roku akademickim 2024/2025 wnioski rozpatrzone negatywnie

Zapomogi zaakceptowane

Zapomogi odrzucone

Stypedia socjalne

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email:

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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