Generał brygady w stanie spoczynku. Jest absolwentem trzech wyższych uczelni wojskowych, w tym Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej, gdzie uzyskał tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera. Stopień naukowy doktora uzyskał na Uniwersytecie Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego uzyskał w Akademii Obrony Narodowej w dyscyplinie „nauki o bezpieczeństwie”. Tytuł profesora nauk społecznych otrzymał postanowieniem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 28 listopada 2019 roku. Zajmował szereg stanowisk w jednostkach wojskowych i instytucjach centralnych resortu obrony narodowej, w tym stanowisko Szefa Logistyki Urzędu MON oraz Rektora-Komendanta WAT. Badania naukowe prowadzi w obszarach związanych z zarządzaniem kryzysowym, ochroną infrastruktury krytycznej oraz istotą zagrożeń. Jest autorem lub współautorem ponad stu publikacji. Wypromował 12-tu doktorantów w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie. „Za wybitne osiągnięcia w realizacji badań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa i obronności oraz w szkoleniu i wychowaniu kadr Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej” wyróżniony wpisaniem zasług do „Księgi Honorowej Wojska Polskiego".
Graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Szczecin University, Faculty of Law and Administration. Graduate in logistics at the University of Zielona Góra. Completed postgraduate studies in European Integration and Community Law at the Adam Mickiewicz University. Studied European project management at the University of Economics in Katowice.
Doctor of jurisprudence in law, psychologist, mediator, professor at PSW. She is on the list of permanent mediators of the District Court in Wrocław, member of the Polish Mediation Centre (Wrocław Branch). Сmember of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, President of the Volyn Mediation Centre in Ukraine.
Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. Graduate of, inter alia, the Jagiellonian University and the University of Zielona Góra. He obtained his postdoctoral degree at VUZF University in Sofia. Honorary doctorate, entrepreneur, local government official.
Doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy – special education. She has inspired actions of sharing autism issues in Lower Silesia and has been an active member of the National Autism Society. She promotes the idea of psychomotorics. Founder and member of the National Psychomotor Society.
PhD in social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy, professor at PSW. She has experience in teaching science and in teaching pedagogical subjects. She specialises in the theory and methodology of teaching professional disciplines, psychology and pedagogy. Her scientific activities include research in teaching methodology, pedagogy of creativity.
Doctor of Social Sciences in political science, professor at PSW. He has been working as a researcher for 25 years. Deals with contemporary political and social ideas, the issue of cultural values, and their impact on socio-economic life with particular emphasis on their significance in the Netherlands and Poland. Expert on micro mobility and cycling mobility. Member of the team preparing for the Silesian Marshal's Office, Bicycle policy of the Silesian Voivodeship, perspective 2030.
Graduate of the Higher School of Motor Forces in Piła and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Engineering and Transport at the Poznań University of Technology, lecturer on courses to raise professional competences of transport sector employees and on courses in the carriage of dangerous goods ADR , senior health and safety inspector, internal auditor of the integrated management system according to standards
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2015, and ISO 19011:2018.
Author and reviewer of dozens of books and handbooks on road transport safety issues, including the handbook Automobile National and International Transport published in 6 volumes. Author of dozens of scientific articles on transport and logistics management. He specialises in theoretical and practical issues of transport and logistics systems management and design, as well as transport engineering with a specialisation in car transport logistics and technology. His main areas of interest are: transport and storage technologies and processes, management of transport and forwarding companies.
Doctor of humanities in political sciences. Academic lecturer at Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa in Starogard Gdański in the field of logistics. His academic publications over the last 10 years are related to transport and logistics. Author of a detailed study commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure: "Study. The role of rail transport in Poland in the first months of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict'.
Graduate of the University of Gdańsk, Doctor of Humanities at the University of Gdańsk, postgraduate studies in Political Science at the University of Gdańsk, Master's degree in Special Education. Member of scientific organisations: European Media Management Education Association Gdańsk Scientific Society.
Doctor of Humanities in the field of political science. Graduated from the University of Wrocław, Doctoral Studies in Politics of Philosophy and Sociology, Institute of Political Science, Department of Administrative Politics and Public Services. She obtained a doctoral degree in political science.
Doctor of Social Sciences. Graduated in philosophy and political science from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. He defended his doctorate in social philosophy at the Freie Universität in Berlin. For years, he has been involved in the public debate on the transformation of the social and political world. He lectures at, among others, the University of Warsaw and the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk.
Doctor of Social Sciences in the discipline of management and quality sciences. He completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management at the Częstochowa University of Technology and obtained his master's degree in logistics at the Wrocław School of Banking. In his professional work he is involved in logistics and management as well as public administration.
Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy, graduate of pedagogy at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. Author of several scientific articles. Winner of the competition for the most interesting master's thesis in pedagogy in 2009, author of the best doctoral thesis in Poland in the Ombudsman for Children competition in 2018. School and family pedagogue, therapist, probation officer.
Doctor of Humanities. Studied history, political science and political science at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Since 2010, he has been affiliated with the European Solidarity Centre, as deputy director of the ECS. His research interests include the recent history of Poland, in particular the history of the Solidarity Trade Union.
Doctor of humanities in political sciences, lawyer, legal adviser. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. His research interests include migration movements, national and ethnic minorities, migration policy, social security of immigrants, human rights and their protection, administration and local self-government.
Doctor of Economics in the field of finance. Graduate of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology. She defended her doctoral thesis at the Warsaw School of Economics. She is also connected with finance in her professional work - she has been working as an accountant for 20 years. She specialises in marketing, management, finance, public finance and banking.
Main areas of interest are contemporary philosophy, in particular the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein, and philosophy of education. Major publications: "Ludwig Wittgenstein: Theory versus Therapy. From the 'Treatise' to the 'Philosophical Investigations' - studies, PWN Warsaw, 2014, Thoughts versus ways of living. Essays on contemporary philosophy, Universitas, Krakow 2016, The Radial Method of the Middle Wittgenstein, Bloomsbury 2022.
He is also the author of articles and editor of collective works, min. Ethics-community-action, (jointly with B. Sierocka and N. Kapferer) and Philosophy and pedagogy, (jointly with P. Gutowski).
Doctor of Social Sciences in the discipline of security sciences. He completed his defence policy studies at the NATO Defence Academy in Rome. He completed his doctoral studies at the National Defence Academy and his post-doctoral degree at the Academy of Military Art in Warsaw. He was, inter alia, chief of the Crisis Operations Branch at the General Staff of the Polish Army, chief defence planning specialist at NATO and commander of the Foreign Mission Preparation Centre in Kielce.
Academic interests: national security, internal security and crisis management. Specialises in the issues of decision-making in crisis situations, organisation of cooperation, coordination of activities and training within the crisis management system. Author and co-author of seven monographs and more than eighty other scientific studies.
Doctor of Social Sciences in the discipline of Security Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies, University of Warsaw. Graduate of the University of Gdańsk in political science.
Completed postgraduate studies in Public Administration, Security and Crisis Management, History, Pedagogical Preparation, Geography. Author and co-author of more than 150 scientific publications on broadly defined security and physical culture.
Doctor of Humanities in pedagogy, andragologist, trainer, therapist. Author of monographs and articles focused on issues related to the contemporary labour market. Her previous research has focused on the social nature of corporate learning and organisational culture. Her research interests include learning processes in the areas of non-formal and informal education.
The research issues are part of the research stream related to learning and supporting human development in different phases of life, as well as in different places, spaces, situations, social or professional roles. As a coach and therapist, she supports in improving cognitive processes, developing skills, building strategies and capacities for learning.
He has a PhD in law, researching armed conflict, the right to self-defence, the law of the use of arms, UN peacekeeping operations, youth pro-defence education and military intelligence and counter-intelligence activities. He has authored or co-authored more than 50 scientific and popular science publications.
Graduate of Postgraduate Studies in European Law, doctoral studies at WPiA UG and School of International Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts in Radziejowice. In 2006, he participated in the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon, where after the end of the armed conflict (July War), he was appointed to the international commission assessing the loss of UNIFIL property and violations of IHL KZ. He is a member of the Polish Society for Security Studies and president of the PRO VETERANI Foundation.
Doctor of Law, legal counsel, mediator. Registered on the list of permanent mediators of the District Court in Olsztyn. Academic lecturer with 15 years of experience, pro-dean. Legal counsel - mediator running her own law office.
Customer service at the Free Legal Aid Service. Reviewer of the Kortowski Law Review. Promoter of many bachelor's and master's theses. Author of several articles on legal topics.
Doctor of Social Sciences in the discipline of economics and finance, Master's degree in mathematics, completed 4 postgraduate studies. Member of the scientific research team "Management researchers".
Author of 12 chapters in monographs and scientific articles. Her research interests relate to issues concerning family businesses and the labour market.
Doctoral student and graduate of the Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk graduate of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz. Coach and instructor in 17 sports and physical recreation disciplines. Instructor in water rescue. Member of the WOPR training commission of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. President of the "Wodniacy Sępólno" sports club.
Author (or co-author, or scientific co-editor) of more than 170 scientific papers, including but not limited to: 9 book editions, scientific monographs, script editions, and more than 160 scientific articles, chapters in monographs or papers in the fields of: physical culture, water rescue, swimming, defence and water education, water safety and crisis management. Member of several Scientific Councils and Societies. Motor preparation coach for EPI, American Council on Exercise (ACE), National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). Nutritionist focusing on holistic nutrition in sport and everyday life. Researches the effects of cold on the human body through cold baths implement fitness and physical activity. Promoter of healthy lifestyles and physical activity with fitness enhancement.
Doctor of social sciences in sociology. Master's degree in psychology. Author of more than 120 scientific publications, member and chairman of organising committees of numerous scientific conferences in Poland and abroad on safety, education, management, youth work, social processes.
Reviewer of scientific journals, member of editorial board of various scientific and journalistic editions. Member of expert groups for social programmes.
Doctor of Social Sciences in the field of pedagogy. She completed her Doctoral Studies in Pedagogy and Political Science at the University of Gdańsk. Master's degree in sociology (UG). Graduate of Postgraduate Pedagogical Studies (UG), as well as postgraduate studies - Tutoring and coaching in education (2022, WSKZ) and Job-coaching - modern career counselling (2023, SWPS).
Author of monographs, chapters and articles reflecting her scientific interests, e.g. in the field of sociology of the body, gender, pedagogy of media and popular culture, edutainment issues and "gender non-obvious" professions. Advocate of active didactic methods. Passionate about the history of culture and everyday life, as well as the history of medicine and the development of knowledge.
Master's degree in Managerial Economics, doctoral student at VUZF University in Sofia in the field of finance and accounting. In his research and teaching work, he deals with human resource management, project management and development in organisations.
Professionally, a long-time director in the construction industry and project manager, entrepreneur and chairman of the foundation's board.
Master's degree in psychology; PhD in social sciences in economics and finance.
Scholarship Holder of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Government Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Degree in economic sciences from the University of Strasbourg. Doctoral scholarship holder of the NCBiR; Scholarship holder of the Rector of Kozminski University. She received a distinction for her doctoral thesis at Kozminski University.
Doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk. Graduate of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz and Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości in Poznań.
Historian with a doctoral degree, with many years of experience in teaching and scientific research. He has lectured at Polish and foreign universities, including the Catholic University of Lublin, the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow and the Pontifical Institute of Spirituality and Anthropology in Rome.
In 2006, at the Adam Mickiewicz University, he obtained his doctoral degree. D. degree at the University of Wrocław. In 2013 he graduated from the Master of Business Administration and in 2018 from the Postgraduate Studies in Entrepreneurship Law. He has worked in local government and government administration.
His research interests include: selected aspects of logistics and law, practical problems of law, administrative law, intellectual property law, bankruptcy and restructuring law.
Author of eight monographs and some 160 scientific articles in the fields of law, security logistics and administration.
Her research interests include: alternative dispute resolution, conflictology, mediation, legal psychology, conflict prevention and management in communities hosting refugees from Ukraine due to war.
Participant of international іnternational conferences, author of articles and scientific publications in the field of criminology.
In his scientific and didactic work he deals with human resources management, competence management, strategic management for SMEs, succession aspect and attitudes of successors in family companies. He has authored, co-authored and edited more than 130 scientific publications, including among others scientific monographs on managerial competence, vocational education and management. In 2021, he received an honorary doctorate from the Berezhan Agrotechnical Institute.
Her scientific activities include research in teaching methodology, pedagogy of creativity. She is the author of approximately 220 scientific and scientific-methodical publications. Participant of many national and international scientific conferences.
Lecturer with over 30 years of experience, organiser of dozens of national and international seminars, conferences and congresses. Author of 4 monographs and 9 edited papers and more than 50 scientific articles. Reviewer of many doctoral and postdoctoral theses, monographs, articles. Repeatedly awarded for scientific, organisational and teaching achievements.
His scientific and research interests include; supervising and coordinating the execution, research and work related to the impact of the human factor on the human working environment, monitoring and analysing the needs for the possibility and development of technical-logistics facilities, in terms of planned economic activities and unplanned destructive actions that can be triggered by the forces of nature and man.
National Coordinator for the Transport of Refugees from Ukraine, Board Representative for Commercial Affairs at PKP Intercity S.A., Director of the Timetable and Product Office at PKP Intercity S.A.
Author of 5 monographs, 31 chapters in national collective works, 3 in foreign collective works, 7 articles in national journals and 4 foreign books, translator of texts. Participant of 24 scientific national conferences and 7 scientific foreign conferences.
In his work with students, he particularly focuses on confronting the diversity of ways of thinking and perceiving reality and exploring individual experiences.
Since 2022 Expert of Agora S.A. in the field of articles and guides on judicial administrative proceedings. Collaborator of Wolters Kluwer Polska S.A. in the field of drafting practical commentaries on laws and legal issues.
Promoter of more than 100 bachelor's and master's theses in the fields of law, administration and internal security.
Subject matter expert/coordinator of international projects of the Imago Foundation. Coordinator of the project: "Regenerative break services for carers of dependent persons with disabilities", expert in the project: "Monitoring of activities of governmental and self-governmental administration units in the Lower Silesian Voivodship in the context of realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities and adjustment to the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities". Researcher at the University of Wrocław, expert in the CoSIE-Co creation of Service Innovation in Europe project.
Participant of many scientific conferences both in Poland and abroad. Author of numerous publications and expertises for the public sector, in the field of rights of persons with disabilities and respite care. Academic lecturer for 20 years.
Associated with the European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk since 2008, Deputy Director (2014-2020), currently Plenipotentiary Director for Academic Affairs. He is interested in contemporary social and political theory and ethical challenges of modernity. In his previous research he has dealt, among others, with the transformation of modernity, the crisis of democracy, the history of the idea of solidarity, new social movements, the concept of social design and subjective identity. Scholarship holder of the KAAD foundation in Berlin and visiting scholar at the Catholic University of America in Washington. Author and co-author of several works on the history and idea of solidarity.
His research activities include topics related to urban logistics, transport service management and the development of shared mobility.
In her teaching work, she values discussions in class, the exchange of opinions and the presentation of opinions, which often move from a purely scientific topic to general social issues.
She specialises in school pedagogy, childcare pedagogy, institutional foster care, pedagogical therapy, counselling and psycho-pedagogical support. Her research interests focus on the transformations of contemporary childhood, qualitative research on childhood, institutional foster care, family and educational counselling, counteracting violence in the educational environment.
Participant of numerous national and international scientific conferences on administrative procedure. She conducts didactic classes in the field of court-administrative proceedings and administrative law, conducts examinations. Thematic reviewer in the scientific journal "Civilisation Approximations" - Publisher of the Higher Vocational School in Włocławek. Expert in the internet service
Her research interests include volunteering, community engagement and democracy, discourse analysis and research on the experience of migration. She has authored and co-authored 35 scientific publications and has organised and participated in dozens of scientific conferences, including 15 international conferences.
University lecturer with 10 years of experience, specialises in conducting classes related to institutional management, project management, administrative processes and Polish and world history. Editor of the periodical "Freedom and Solidarity". Author of several dozen articles on recent Polish history. Author of a history textbook for secondary and technical schools.
Author of dozens of scientific publications, including the monograph: Institutionalisation of Migration Life in the Local Space of Gdańsk and numerous articles on settlements and population movements.
Lecturer with many years of experience, author of 22 national and international publications on public finance, financial markets, insurance, financial market in Poland. Participant of many international scientific conferences.
She has also participated in national and international conferences and is the author of articles and scientific publications on criminal law, forensic science, criminal procedure. Her area of interest also includes criminology.
Professionally associated with the European Solidarity Centre, she is the ECS Director's Plenipotentiary for International Affairs and Protocol.
Creator of a model of cooperation between cultural institutions and museums and the tourist guide community, coordinator of branding and relationship design projects with external stakeholders nationally and internationally.
Trainer, mediator, training coordinator, conducts training in mediation for pedagogical staff in Wroclaw and other cities in Poland.
Founder and president of the Wrocław branch of the Polish Mediation Centre. Organiser of International Mediator Day celebrations. Participant in the Week Against Crime organised under the patronage of the Ombudsman. Organiser of conferences on mediation.
Researcher in the social sciences, humanities, security, sciences and natural, medical and health sciences. Initiator and co-organiser of dozens of seminars, national and international scientific conferences. Author, co-author, scientific co-editor of more than 80 scientific studies, including, among others: 78 book editions, scientific monographs, script editions and digital studies. President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
He teaches: economics, economics of road transport, freight forwarding, logistics, transport policy, costs in transport, business economics, international economic relations, economic calculation in transport.
He has been repeatedly honoured with awards from the Rector of the University of Gdansk, the Medal of Merit for Transport of the Republic of Poland, the Medal of the Commission of National Education, and the Golden Cross of Merit. He is a member of many scientific circles, including the GNT in Gdansk and the Austrian Society of Transporters.
Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship
Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security