International cooperation

The Pomeranian University of Science and Technology actively cooperates not only with many institutions in Poland, but also abroad. Check out the list of entities and find out more about the strategy we pursue.
About the university
Internationalisation strategy
Gender equality plan

About the university

The Pomeranian University of Science and Technology in Starogard Gdański is a dynamically developing institution. PSW actively cooperates with partners at home and abroad, taking care of practical, scientific and didactic development.

PSW has signed cooperation agreements with leading research centres in the European Union and beyond. Classes at PSW are taught by an international staff that continuously collaborates with foreign universities. Lecturers are members of international research networks, carry out international research projects and have extensive contacts abroad through informal academic exchange networks.

We are actively working to establish more partnerships.

Alongside its teaching activities, the PSW conducts scientific research projects and works for the benefit of the entire Kociewie region. We are a development partner for local government and business.

The university's flagship developments are:

  • pedagogy
  • administration
  • logistics
  • internal security
  • criminology
  • state security and civil protection

The principles of international cooperation are implemented in accordance with the Strategy for Internationalisation of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański and the supporting documents - the Plan for Gender Equality at the Pomeranian University of Higher Education and the Policy Statement of the Erasmus + Programme.



Pomeranian Higher School in Starogard Gdanski is a dynamically developing institution, which actively cooperates with partners in the country and abroad, working on our practical, scientific and teaching development.

PSW has signed cooperation agreements with leading research centres in the European Union and abroad. Teaching is led by international staff who constantly cooperate with foreign universities. Lecturers are members of international research networks, carry out international research projects, and have extensive foreign contacts through informal academic exchange networks.

PSW conducts scientific and research projects, as well as works for the development of the entire Kociewie Region. We partner with the local government and business in development.

The principles of international cooperation are regulated under the Strategy of Internationalisation of the Pomeranian Higher School in Starogard Gdański and supporting documents: Gender Equality Plan in the PSW and Erasmus Policy Statement.

Internationalisation strategy

Internationalisation is one of the key challenges and tasks of higher education institutions. In today's global world, it is a guarantor of development in every dimension of a university's functioning. The development of staff, a high scientific and didactic level, is made possible by the constant exchange and multiple perspectives provided by participation in the internationalisation process. It is an opportunity for personal and professional development for both university staff and students. Learning in an international environment is an opportunity we want to provide for students, academic and non-academic staff at PSW. 

The main task of the strategy is to indicate the priority activities during the period of its validity, resulting from the conducted diagnosis of the internationalisation of the PSW, aimed at strengthening the position of the PSW domestically and internationally and ensuring conditions inside the university for the free development of cooperation with the international environment.

Assumptions regarding the implementation of Erasmus+ projects are detailed in the Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027. For the purposes of this strategy, international mobility is presented as a tool to strengthen and deepen teaching and research activities and enhance the PSW brand.

EU and MEN priorities

The PSW Internationalisation Strategy 2022-2027 is in line with the European Union's Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and the Ministry of Education's Integrated Skills Strategy 2030. In the latter, the following areas of impact are designated, among others:

  • Basic, transversal and vocational skills of children, young people and adults;
  • skills development in formal education - management staff;
  • Skills development in formal education - teaching staff.

Within these areas, lines of action have been identified that coincide with the tasks identified in this strategy. These include. strengthening inter-university cooperation at the national and international level, supporting the skills of foreigners, developing national and foreign offer and improving the quality of internships and placements for management in formal education and teaching staff, popularising national and international mobility of management and teaching staff, strengthening the offer of in-service training in the development of foreign language skills of teaching staff, developing the skills of planning educational projects, managing national and foreign projects and the financial resources of these projects, disseminating national and international good practices of teaching and educational work.

The European Union's Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 includes 5 objectives:

  • a more competitive and smarter Europe;
  • A greener, low-carbon Europe;
  • a better connected Europe;
  • A Europe with a stronger social dimension;
  • A Europe closer to its citizens.

This strategy takes into account the European Commission's priorities in the area of internationalisation in the form of, inter alia, increasing the importance of research and innovation and the use of modern technologies, strengthening the capacity of the SEE for the modern economy, digitalisation, social inclusion, sustainable development and equal opportunities for women and men.


International cooperation

International cooperation, as one of the key areas of the PSW, reports directly to the Rector. In creating international policy, the Rector is supported by the Vice-Dean for International Cooperation. The PSW also has an Erasmus+ programme coordinator for higher education. 

The Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, with the support of the Vice-Dean for Students and members of the Education Quality Committee, implements and coordinates tasks related to the internationalisation of PSW. The Vice-Dean for International Cooperation deals with matters concerning initiation, bilateral agreements and international agreements of the PSW, support and organisation of future student and staff mobility, application for EU, NMF and Erasmus+ support funds, monitoring of international cooperation carried out at the PSW, support of PSW staff in the field of international cooperation, advice and dissemination of information in the area of individual scholarships abroad for students and staff. 

Based on the PSW Statutes, the main tasks of the University are (para. 4):

1) the provision of undergraduate education;

2) the provision of postgraduate or other forms of training;

3) providing specialised training;

4) education and promotion of the university's staff;

5) creating conditions for people with disabilities to participate fully in:

  1. (a) the process of admission to the university for the purpose of training,
  2. (b) education,
  3. (c) carrying out scientific activities;

6) educating students in the sense of responsibility for the Polish state, national tradition, strengthening democratic principles and respect for human rights;

7) creating conditions for the development of students' physical culture;

8) to disseminate and multiply scientific and cultural achievements, including by collecting and making available library, information and archive collections;

9) working for local and regional communities.

  1. The university performs its tasks in particular by:

1) providing education independently or in cooperation with other entities, including national and foreign universities;

2) Recruiting highly qualified and practically oriented academic staff;

3) carrying out development work;

4) to promote economic development, including in particular through cooperation with economic self-government organisations;

5) cooperation with institutions and national and foreign communities in the development of programmes and the establishment and improvement of methods of their implementation, as well as student exchange and educational cooperation;

6) to promote employment and the development of human resources, including in particular by assisting graduates and students in finding jobs and engaging in activities to improve professional competences and their certification;

7) initiating activities for the benefit of the local community.

One of the most important measures for the internationalisation of PSW is the Erasmus+ programme for higher education. PSW had an Erasmus card for higher education (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education  (ECHE) from 2024 to 2020. In view of staff changes and dynamic development from 2022, the University has begun renewed efforts to obtain an Erasmus + Charter for higher education. The University's participation in the Erasmus programme, due to its recognition and effectiveness in terms of the development of the University, its staff and students, will foster the search for foreign partners for joint research and teaching and R&D initiatives. 

The aims and objectives of participation in the Programme are set out in the Erasmus+ Policy StatementThe Erasmus University Charter for Higher Education (KA103) and the Erasmus Mobility Charter for Higher Education (KA106) are published on the website of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture, which is updated annually in connection with the submission of applications for funding for mobility projects to Programme (KA103) and Partner Countries (KA107) for staff (STA - teaching assignments, STT - staff training assignments) and students (SMS - student study visits, SMP - student work placements). The PSW, having obtained the Erasmus Charter for higher education (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education  (ECHE) will be part of the European education system and the only such university in the region, which will have a significant impact on its brand as a higher education institution.

Guided by the objectives in the Declaration, the PSW will also be able to participate and implement other Erasmus+ projects such as Strategic Partnerships (KA2) or Central Projects (KA3). Once Erasmus for Higher Education is in place, the Erasmus+ Programme at PSW will be led by the - Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator.  

Another important aspect of the internationalisation of the PSW is the cooperation with the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The PSW plans to carry out projects financed by programmes for institutions (CEEPUS programme, Academic International Partnerships, Modern Foreign Promotion), as well as to support staff and students in acquiring and implementing individual programmes (Poland My First Choice, Personal Exchange Programme for Students and Researchers in Bilateral Cooperation, Gen. Wł. Anders Scholarship Programme for the Polish Diaspora).

International cooperation is also carried out through bilateral agreements and agreements with foreign partner universities (joint organisation of scientific and practical conferences, research and publication cooperation).

Diagnosis of the internationalisation of the PSW

The present diagnosis in the area of internationalisation was conducted through a SWOT analysis ordering the strengths and weaknesses of the PSW in the analysed area. Information collected from the management, staff and administrative staff of the university was used as analytical material. Below are the key findings and strategic objectives formulated on their basis. 

PSW is a small university, but it has staff experienced in internationalisation. In the current structure of the university, qualified staff speaking English and other European Union languages teach in the university's flagship faculties of pedagogy, logistics and administration. 

The PSW has not hosted foreign students to date, but internationalisation builds on the teaching potential and previous experience of staff involved in teaching and research in an international environment. The approach to the internationalisation of science will be built through experienced staff and on the basis of a built and consistently implemented strategy. 

The PSW sees potential in its location in a key location for the Kociewie region, recognising that the internationalisation of the University will influence the internationalisation of the region. It is therefore important to continuously cooperate with the local government and the authorities of Pomerania in order to fully exploit the potential that the PSW and Kociewie will give to the internationalisation process.

The Strategy for the internationalisation of the PSW aims to achieve its objectives in several key areas. The vision of internationalisation, presented in the Strategy, envisages the PSW's participation in the construction of European science and culture. The PSW will become an attractive partner for national and international institutions and will attract numerous students and outstanding scientists from all over the world.  

Below you will find the strategic objectives of the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański in the area of internationalisation, together with the specific objectives and measures for their realisation. 

Strategic objective: creating international recognition for the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology

Specific objectivesActions to achieve the specific objectives
Internationalisation of science at PSW
  • obtaining an Erasmus + Charter for higher education;
  • the establishment of international research teams and consortia;
  • Support in formal matters related to obtaining funding for PSW's international research activities;
  • Encourage and continuously motivate PSW staff to participate in the scientific boards of international organisations, associations, expert networks and the boards of international scientific journals;
  • motivating researchers to increase the number of publications in international scientific journals;
  • to disseminate information on calls for proposals for research projects and scholarships for researchers offered by international and national programmes with an international dimension;
  • increase the organisational efficiency of researchers in the area of international research activities by motivating staff to participate in training on citation and researcher visibility;
  • motivating researchers to keep their ORCID profiles up to date, taking care of
    for up-to-date data and synchronisation of output in Web of Science Researcher ID, Google Scholar, Scopus ID. 
  • internationalisation of scientific journals by encouraging editors to publish more texts in foreign languages and to include foreign researchers and experts on the scientific boards of periodicals;
  • dissemination of the results of ongoing research and projects as well as information on international scientific conferences on the PSW website.
  • expand cooperation with foreign centres, taking into account the specific nature and potential of the research carried out in the PES, in order to produce high quality publications of international significance
  • creation of a Gender Equality Plan at PSW as a formal requirement for applying for Horizon Europe grants
  • the creation of an Open Science Policy on PSW as one of the priority policies of the European Commission
  • Implementation of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) and achievement of the HR Excellence in Research Award
  • making efforts to join international associations of universities (e.g. European University Association)
Internationalisation of education at PSW
  • measures to align study programmes with the requirements for obtaining international accreditation;
  • Increasing the offer of study programmes in English; 
  • increasing the proportion of foreigners in the research and teaching staff;
  • after obtaining the Erasmus + Charter for higher education institutions, recruitment of foreign students for a full course of study;
  • providing access to Polish language learning for foreigners;
  • encouraging faculties to develop courses in English and to introduce subjects taught in English as compulsory for Polish students;
  • organisation of training courses for teaching staff on improving teaching competences in foreign languages and intercultural competences;
  • taking steps towards joint educational programmes with foreign universities (joint degrees, joint diplomas);
  • Increase student mobility through international academic exchange programmes for part of their studies and internships;
  • increasing the degree of mobility of research and teaching staff;
  • motivating PSW staff to invite academics from foreign partner universities to give guest lectures;
  • the organisation of guest lectures by eminent scientists from abroad under the updated visiting professor procedure.  
Creating a brand for the PSW as an institution friendly to foreign students and employees
  • integration of international activities in the communication strategy of the PSW brand
  • Include the communication of the university's international activities in the design and implementation of cyclical promotion plans for the PSW;
  • promotional activities aimed at both foreign partner institutions and student applicants;
  • Inclusion of international PSW activities in the communication activities of local and regional self-government bodies - Marshal's Office, Starogard Gdański City Office, Tczew City Office;
  • cooperation with regional initiatives specialising in cooperation with foreign students and employees, min. Study in Pomerania and Live in Pomerania;
  • improvement of the PSW website (primarily those with international study programmes) in English and the creation of subpages for courses in foreign languages;
  • use of information channels (websites, social media) to communicate achievements in the area internationalisation of science;
  • the creation of a support system for foreign applicants for study in the form of support programmes (scholarships);
  • monitoring and provision of bilingual information in the PSW information flow against criteria based on the recommendations of the ECTS Users' Guide;
  • monitoring and improving the bilingualism of the recruitment system;
  • Improving the current course catalogue for short-term students - Creating English-language procedures for handling and supporting students and staff with disabilities;
  • Disseminating information on the availability of medical care and other forms of support in English in Starogard Gdański to ensure equal access for foreign students;
  • implementation of the European Commission's Erasmus Without Paper initiative, in the longer term implementation of the European Student Card Initiative
Establishing the PSW brand as an institution with high potential for international cooperation
  • organisation of events favouring internationalisation, i.e. Erasmus+ Days, international integration events, international conferences and seminars;
  • Promotion of PSW activities among partners through active social media and academic exchange networks;
  • Promotion of scientific achievements, research results, research potential, scientific offer of PSW by: creating plans for dissemination, communication and use of results in international projects; using access to free platforms for overseas promotion of conducted research, enabling self-communication about one's offer in terms of grants, job offers, events (including conferences and seminars) of an international nature (e.g. NAWA's Research in Poland tool, ResearchGate, AcademiaEdu);
  • Mobilising staff, especially those who have not yet distinguished themselves in terms of conducting research of an international nature, to publish in internationally recognised journals (leading in the field) with a particular focus on publishing in international teams;
  • expand cooperation with foreign centres and actively develop inter-university cooperation networks through joint scientific and practical initiatives;
  • publication of selected works in recognised foreign publications
Building an institutional environment around internationalisation
  • implementation of international projects in the combined fields of education, research and business;
  • develop cooperation with the City Hall and the Marshal's Office with a view to carrying out joint activities in the field of integration of foreigners on a city and regional scale;
  • to cooperate with local employers in order to organise student placements and internships for foreign students and to cooperate in projects developing the professional competences of these students;
  • collecting internship offers in English for foreign students and graduates among companies in the region; 
  • implementation of commissioned research for international entities;
  • preparation of an offer of commissioned research in English.


Strategic objective: Create a quality standard for internationalisation

Specific objectivesActions to achieve the specific objectives
Development of a mechanism to manage the internationalisation process
  • the development of a standard of service for the international student with the ongoing development and adaptation of service procedures;
  • Introduce a system of periodic evaluation of the implementation of the internationalisation strategy;
Build communication in the area of internationalisation based on the PSW brand
  • Establish a communication channel within the PSW for information coming in from outside related to internationalisation;
  • informing academic and non-academic staff about the internationalisation strategy being implemented and the resulting activities;
Strengthening the potential of PSW teaching and research staff in the area of internationalisation
  • attracting foreign lecturers and researchers through long-term employment contracts as well as guest lectures and specialised training courses;
  • organisation/subsidisation of English language courses and training for research and teaching staff;
  • Implementing a financial gratification scheme for English language instructors; 
  • Establish an incentive scheme for staff applying for grants of international importance (incentive scheme);
  • Support for staff implementing internationalisation activities by the Education Quality Team; 
  • seeking information on the possibilities of obtaining funding from external sources within the framework of current competition applications, including: constant analysis of information published by institutions such as the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, the National Science Centre;
Creation of an educational offer for foreign students
  • Increasing the number of courses offered in English (including interdisciplinary and including practical training);
  • streamlining the process of enrolling foreign candidates in university; 
  • Improving the quality of education in an international environment, including: defining the objectives of education in a given faculty in the aspect of internationalisation; preparing study programmes based on internationalisation; conducting systematic internal and external evaluation (internal audit conducted by the Faculty Quality Assessment Team); monitoring the language competences of the teaching staff, e.g. by conducting periodic assessment of these competences as part of periodic quality control of teaching;
  • Improving the system of recognition of student and staff mobility completed abroad;
Development of infrastructure for internationalisation
  • providing access to modern services, infrastructure and IT tools for students and staff in the area of education and international cooperation (including the Erasmus Mobile App and the implementation of the European Student Charter) ;
  • upgrading the IT infrastructure of the PSW library and information system; 
  • the development of library resources (including electronic full-text databases containing scientific publications in many disciplines) in English; 
  • Continuous monitoring of the university's accessibility in terms of the needs and increasing number of international students;
  • training for staff in the use of modern scientific communication technologies with an international character.

Gender equality plan

Equality between women and men is one of the core values of the European Union, guaranteed by the Treaty on European Union. The European Union seeks to combat social exclusion and discrimination and promotes social justice and equality between women and men. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits any discrimination on grounds of sex and considers it necessary to ensure equality between women and men in all areas, including employment, work and pay. The European Union's gender equality objectives and commitments are set out in the European Commission's Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025. 

This principle is also enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, which states that a woman and a man in the Republic of Poland have equal rights in family, political, social and economic life and points to the equal right to education, employment and promotion and to equal pay for work of equal value, to social security and to occupy positions, perform functions and obtain public dignities and distinctions.

Guided by the legal acts in force in the European Union and in the Republic of Poland, and on the basis of a gender equality diagnosis, the Pomeranian University of Higher Education in Starogard Gdański adopts the following gender equality plan to be implemented by 2025. 

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) adopted by the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology in Starogard Gdański aims to create conditions for the development of equality and equal opportunities for all members of the academic community, which consists of research and teaching staff, lecturers, administrative staff and students.


Strategic objective: integrate gender equality into research and teaching at Pomerania University of Science and Technology

Specific objectives:Actions to achieve the specific objectives:
Raising awareness of gender equality in the academic community
  • organisation of gender equality training for university staff; 
  • organising training on the use of equality language in the work of the university;
  • increasing the presence of gender equality themes in staff research projects (internal grants, promoted theses, internal grants, publications in this context); 
  • inclusion of gender equality content in subject curricula in all fields of study;
  • offer of an anti-discrimination workshop as part of a class for students of all subjects; 


Strategic objective: to ensure a balanced gender representation in the university's management and decision-making teams and groups at Pomerania University

Specific objectives:Actions to achieve the specific objectives:
Implementation of equality measures in the area of PSW management
  • Establish a system for the cyclical analysis of the presence of women and men on advisory teams and the roles and functions they perform. The gender ratio in the advisory teams is ultimately 50% per 50%;
  • exploring gender representation in decision-making teams;
  • reviewing job advertisements for equality language; 
  • mainstreaming gender equality into HR policies;
  • applying the principle of gender balance in employment decision-making bodies;
  • raising managers' awareness of gender inequalities in the area of reconciling work and family life.


Strategic objective: to introduce equality mechanisms in the day-to-day operation of the Pomeranian University of Science and Technology

Specific objectives:Actions to achieve the specific objectives:
Prevention of and fight against discrimination 
  • anonymous survey targeting students and workers about their experiences of discrimination;
  • Development and promotion of a catalogue of good practices on non-discrimination in the PSW academic community;
  • developing a procedure for reporting cases of discrimination on the basis of sex or other grounds;
  • developing a mechanism to respond to reported cases of discrimination in accordance with applicable law and accepted good practice.
Introducing an equal organisational culture at PSW
  • the introduction of feminativities in the documents and communication of the university (business cards, signatures, placards on doors, etc.);
  • the introduction of a mechanism to reconcile professional and private responsibilities (e.g. the possibility to work remotely);
  • promote and support initiatives by female students and male and female employees in the area of gender equality and non-discrimination.


Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email:

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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