Pomeranian University Publishing House

The Pomeranian University Publishing House publishes scientific and educational works in the social sciences and humanities. We pay particular attention to such disciplines of knowledge as pedagogy, ethics, administration, management, logistics and security. With our publishing activities, we want to contribute to the development and popularisation of knowledge and the deepening of the competences of both academic circles and a wide range of recipients interested in the proposed topics.

In order to ensure the high substantive quality of the published works, the Publishing House applies procedures for reviewing scientific publications in accordance with the principles of publication ethics and cooperates with experts in the above-mentioned fields of knowledge. In order to prevent and counteract unfair publishing practices, we base our publishing ethics on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We work with a highly qualified team of editors, proofreaders, graphic designers and DTP designers, guaranteeing the quality and attractiveness of the proposed publications.

Review procedure
Publishing ethics
Rules for authors
Rules concerning the publisher
Rules for reviewers
  1. Each publication issued by the Pomeranian University Publishing House is subject to a scientific review.
  2. Two independent reviewers from outside the unit affiliated by the author of the publication, with at least a doctoral degree, who are academics in the scientific and research area that is the subject of the publication, shall be appointed to evaluate a scientific monograph submitted for publication.
  3. The review procedure is anonymous - both the reviewer and the author of the reviewed text do not know each other's identities.
  4. Each review shall be in writing and shall contain the reviewer's explicit conclusion as to whether the text should be accepted for publication, whether it should be rejected, or whether the text should be published after the necessary corrections have been made.
  5. In the event of positive reviews, the Publisher initiates the publishing procedure.
  6. The author receives a copy of the review containing comments on the text of the publication, or instructions on how to make the necessary corrections in accordance with the reviewer's recommendations.
  7. The author is required to provide the Publisher with a revised text of the publication as recommended by the reviewer and to submit a written response to the review.
  8. The text is passed on to the further publishing procedure including linguistic editing, typesetting, typesetting, proofreading and printing.

The publishing house of the Pomeranian University applies the highest standards and principles of publication ethics to counteract unfair publication practices. The guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are a point of reference in this respect.

  1. An author submitting a publishing proposal is obliged to submit only his/her own, fully original texts for publication.
  2. The author is obliged to respect the intellectual property of others. Research of other researchers used in the publication should be marked appropriately: indicating the source and possibly indicating that it is a citation. Practices such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghostwriting, attribution of authorship to text generated by artificial intelligence, omission from the list of authors of persons who contributed to the creation of the work and attribution of authorship to persons who did not contribute to the creation of the work (so-called guest authorship) are unacceptable.
  3. The author is obliged to provide an accurate description of the research work carried out, to use only real (non-fabricated) data and to interpret the results objectively. The author should be willing to share the data used in the text submitted for publication.
  4. The author is required to disclose the source of funding for the publication, contributions from scientific research institutions and conflicts of interest that may affect the results or interpretation of the research.
  1. The publisher decides which texts will be accepted for publication. He should base his decision on the assessments made by scientific reviewers of the manuscript, who determine its scientific merit, the originality of the approach to the problem described, the methodology applied and the correctness of the conclusions and the coherence and clarity of the argument. The publisher has the right to condition the acceptance of the text for publication on the author's making appropriate changes and corrections.
  2. The publisher is obliged to check each submitted text using an anti-plagiarism programme. If there are doubts about the scientific accuracy of the text, the publisher will ask the author to clarify the situation. (The author has the right to make appropriate changes and corrections at this point). If a dishonest scientific practice is unequivocally detected, the publisher shall document its manifestations and inform the relevant bodies, and the text itself shall not be accepted for publication.
  3. The publisher is obliged to evaluate submitted texts solely on their merits. Extra-substantive circumstances such as the author's gender, race, origin, religion or political views may not be decisive in rejecting a text.
  4. The publisher counters the phenomena known as ghostwriting, when someone has made a significant contribution to a publication without disclosing his or her contribution as one of the authors or without mentioning his or her role in the acknowledgements included in the publication; guest authorship (honorary authorship), when the author's contribution is negligible or has not taken place at all, but is nevertheless an author (co-author) of the publication.
  5. The publisher is committed to preventing conflicts of interest. Accordingly, the publisher's employees are only allowed to disclose information about the submitted work to those involved in the publishing process, taking into account the principle of anonymisation at the text review stage.
  1. The reviewer's task is to support the publisher in deciding whether to accept the text for publication. The reviewer may also support the author of the text by suggesting necessary changes and corrections.
  2. The reviewer is obliged to deliver the review within the agreed deadline. If he/she is unable to fulfil this obligation (due to lack of time or competence in the subject matter or due to a conflict of interest), he/she should immediately inform the publisher.
  3. The review is anonymous - neither the author nor the reviewer should know their identity.
  4. The reviewer is required to conduct the review with standards of objectivity. He/she should present his/her comments clearly, supporting them with appropriate arguments. Personal criticism of the author of the thesis is not acceptable.
  5. The reviewer is obliged to inform the publisher of any identified cases of unfair scientific practice committed by the author of the reviewed text.
  6. The reviewer is obliged to treat the reviewed work as a confidential document. The reviewer must not show the text to unauthorised persons, discuss it or use it for their own benefit.


Publishing guidelines
Good authoring and reviewing practices
Publishing Council
Scientific journal Law and Security

New publications at PSW:


Karolina Muzyczka

Protection of private interest in the process of expropriation of real estate

The publication is the only one in Poland to systematise the procedure for the protection of private interest in the process of expropriation of real estate by the State Treasury and local government units under the procedure and rules for the preparation and implementation of investments in the field of public roads. The publication broadly presents the material and procedural aspects of expropriation of real estate, the issue of enforcement of a decision on expropriation of real estate, or the distinctiveness of administrative proceedings.

Pomeranian University
Starogard Gdański 2023

Link to book in electronic format


Tomasz Hoffmann

Preventive detention under the Police Act

This publication is one of the few in the Polish academic discourse to include, in a relatively systematic manner, the procedure of preventive detention by the police, as well as other services in Poland. It is based on preventive detentions carried out by the police during a declared epidemic, women's protests against the Constitutional Tribunal's ruling on abortion, or spontaneous gatherings organised by opponents of the ruling authorities. In it, the author presented the material as well as procedural aspects of preventive detention, using real-life examples that he encountered daily in his work as a lawyer.

Pomeranian University
Starogard Gdański 2024

Link to book in electronic format

The text of a work submitted to the Publishing House should conform to the following rules. The Pomeranian University Publishing House reserves the right not to accept the text for publication if the material submitted to it deviates significantly from the outline presented.

I. Basic principles of preparing an author's text

    1. File format - .rtf, .doc or .docx
    2. Page formatting: 
      • Top and left margins: 2 cm; bottom and right margins: 4 cm
      • pages numbered in upper right-hand corner
      • no headers or footers other than page number
    3. Text formatting:
      • Times New Roman, 12-point font for the entire text, including titles and subtitles and footnotes
      • line spacing: 1.5 lines
      • justification
      • underlining for passages to be highlighted in the composition of the
      • text should not contain bold, capital letters, paragraph indentation, especially when using tabs, paragraph spacing, indentation to distinguish blocks of quotations. Paragraphs should only be used with the Enter key.
      • the hierarchy of titles should be indicated by means of numbering: I, II, III, IV, etc. for first level titles; 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. for second level titles; a, b, c, d, etc. for third level titles (the adoption of the above designations is purely provisional - the final typographical design of the titles depends on the graphic design)
      • text should be free of multiple spaces
      • do not use word splitting (neither manual nor automatic)
      • do not use so called hard space
    4. For articles for collective books, there are the following additional requirements: 
      • minimum number of characters with spaces is 20 000 (half a publication sheet), maximum 40 000 (publication sheet)
      • the author's affiliation and ORCID identification number should be given under the author's name
      • the article must be accompanied by: an abstract in English (preceded by the English version of the title) and Polish (each text max. 1200 characters including spaces), key words in Polish and English (max. 5) and a short note about the author (max. 500 characters including spaces)
      • Articles should include a bibliography.

II. Specific rules for the drafting of texts at the in-house editing stage

We apply the following specific rules in the editorial development of the Publisher's publications:

(a) citations:

      • prose citations: in basic type size (12 points), in inverted commas, usually in a sequence (except, for example, for quotations of several paragraphs)
      • quoted lines: basic type size, without inverted commas, top and bottom spacing, footnote reference after a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark;
      • Releases in quoted texts are indicated by an ellipsis enclosed in square brackets.
      • the quotation in the quote is indicated by French inverted commas "...".

(b) italics:

      • foreign-language words and expressions, in addition to those already assimilated, and longer passages in foreign languages except for poems;
      • titles of books, works of music, visual arts, films (in Polish and in a foreign language)

(c) the antecedent:

      • magazine titles, in inverted commas;
      • titles of sections, chapters and subsections of books referred to in the text - put them in inverted commas;
      • titles of exhibitions, conferences, scientific sessions, competitions - put them in inverted commas;
      • names of religious texts and parts of texts, for example: Bible, Old Testament, Genesis, Song of Songs, as well as abbreviations referring to specific parts of the Bible (the abbreviations may be in the form adopted in the Millennium Bible or in another cited edition; the generally accepted Latin abbreviations may also be used);
      • if all the text is in italics, the antiqua acts as a highlight;
      • In footnotes abbreviations and Polish words, type: dz. cyt., ibid.

(d) numerals:

      • if possible, in words;
      • we do not use notations such as: 19th century, 5-year, but: 19th century, 5-year;
      • Centuries are numbered in Roman numerals, e.g. 19th century;
      • Roman numerals are also used in notations: Second Polish Republic, Third Reich
      • the dates are written as follows: 13 December 1981; 10 May this year; in August tr.
      • "1980s" and others are always written in words;
      • Insert a hyphen (-) between the numerals, not a dash (-): 1997-1998, no space.

(e) abbreviations and acronyms:

      • use dictionary abbreviations such as: gen., płk., kpt., prof., doc., mgr, dr hab., m.in., tzw., tj., np., etc., etc., possibly also: hh., kg, ha, km, km kw., m sześ., percent. - for texts where these words recur frequently
      • Abbreviations related to the bibliographic notation convention are left in the footnotes
      • abbreviations of names of organisations and institutions - on the first occurrence the full name is given, on subsequent occurrences abbreviations may be used; in the case of commonly known names (e.g. USSR, People's Republic of Poland) it is possible to use abbreviations without expanding them on the first occurrence

(f) footnotes:

      • the footnote reference stands before the punctuation mark
      • use the following character order at the end of sentences: inverted commas, footnote reference, full stop (NB: in quoted lines the footnote reference should exceptionally be placed after the full stop)
      • in bibliographic footnotes we prefer Polish terms (e.g.: tamże, tenże, taż) and abbreviations (e.g.: dz. cyt.)
      • in publishing addresses, place names shall be written in the original language as they appear on the title page
      • the parts of the book are indicated in the original language (e.g. vol., Bd.); the page abbreviation is in Polish
      • places of issue, if there are more than one, separated by hyphens without spaces (e.g. Gdansk-Warsaw-Krakow)
      • translator's / author's footnote ends as follows: (translator's note) / (author's note)
      • Punctuation used in bibliographic addresses: comma system.

III. Additional information concerning the preparation of the footnotes

      • The bibliographic notice is based on the title page of the work in question. The bibliographical notice should give the full name of the author or just the initials, which must be used consistently, the title of the work, the function and the names of the co-responsible persons (editors, translators, prefaces, etc.), the publishing address (at least the place and year of publication - the name of the publishing house may be omitted). If more than three authors or more than three co-authors are indicated on the title page, the formula "et al." may be used, mentioning the first three names. If more than three localities are cited as the place of publication, then only the first locality is mentioned.
      • The title page is also the basis for descriptions of works in foreign languages (for this reason, among others, information on editors, editors, etc. should not be translated in bibliographical notes, but should be given in the original language).
      • When preparing a bibliographic notice of a journal article for the purposes of footnotes or bibliography, the following must be indicated instead of the publisher's address: title of the journal, year, issue/number. In the case of double numbers or issues, a hyphen is used. In some cases, the title of the journal is followed by the year number (or volume number). In the case of dailies and weeklies, the date of the day may be indicated. In special cases, the place of publication should be indicated next to the title.
      • A publisher's citation is also used when making a bibliographic reference to an article in a collective book, but then it is preceded by the preposition "in:" in square brackets.
      • Publications in several volumes must indicate which volume of the work is being referred to. If each volume of a publication has a separate title, this should be indicated in the bibliographic record by means of a colon after the volume number. The same applies if each volume has a different publication date or if different persons are responsible for each volume.
      • Footnote entries can be shortened and simplified by using appropriate abbreviations and formulas.
      • If a particular writer's work appears in any of the subsequent footnotes, we use the abbreviation "Acts cited". This abbreviation can be used until a second book by the same author appears.
      • Therefore, if we want to refer to one of the several works of a given author (in this case it is M. Foucault), we must give at least a fragment of the title (the notation "Acts cited" would be misleading, as it could refer to different positions). Once adopted, the abbreviated version of the title should be used consistently (note: the formula "Acts cited" is no longer added to the abbreviated title).
      • If we are referring to an item mentioned in a footnote immediately preceding the current one, we use "ibid" and give the page. If the entire content of the footnote is identical, we insert only "ibid".
      • If a publication by one author appears for the first or subsequent time in a given footnote, and the footnote immediately following it refers to another publication by that author, we may use the word "this" (this one) or "that" (that one) instead of repeating the name.
      • The author's first and last name may be replaced by 'thee' or 'thee' if repeated at the beginning of an editorial citation.
      • If the name of the author of a referenced text also appears in a given bibliographic notice in another capacity (e.g., the person responsible for the compilation), and there is no doubt that the record will be unambiguous, the name may be omitted a second time, replaced by an ellipsis.
      • If the place of issue cannot be determined, the abbreviation "b.m." should be used. (without the place); if a similar situation exists for the year, "b.r." (without year), and if both - "b.m.r." (without the place and year). Place these abbreviations in square brackets each time.
      • In the case of electronic publications, the date of access must be provided in addition to the identification of the specific item.
      • A bibliographic description should also be drawn up for audiovisual material, such as commercial films, documentary recordings, for example.

IV. Order of elements in the description of the archive material

      • Name of archive (abbreviation). When quoting documents from e.g. the IPN Archives (and the archives of IPN branches), Akt Nowych in Warsaw, the State Archives, we use abbreviations: AIPN, AIPN BU, AIPN Gd, AIPN Kr (we do not use notations such as BUiAD IPN, OBUiAD, OBUiAD Kat, OBUiAD IPN-Wr, AIPN Kraków, OBUiAD Lublin, OBUiAD IPN in Poznań, Archiwum IPN Warszawa, etc.), AAN, APGd.
      • Name of the archive group (possibly abbreviated); the abbreviation "group" is acceptable when the group name is written in figures or symbols.
      • Reference number of the archive unit; if the reference number of the archive unit consists of several symbols, the abbreviation ref. may be used, but the abbreviation must be used consistently throughout the work.
      • Description of the document - type of document, who, to whom (if the title of the document contains this information, it may be used). The full names of the senders and addressees must be given. The description of the document (or the relationship cited) is given in antiqua.
      • Date of creation of the document after a comma or approximate date in square brackets; if the date cannot be determined, the abbreviation n.d. is used.
      • Card number (when a section of a document is referred to, the card number on which the section is located).
      • If the archive unit is not paginated, we use the abbreviation b.p.
      • If several sources are cited in a footnote, their descriptions are separated by a semicolon.

NOTE: If the document has been published, we refer to the published version, not the archived version.

V. Supplementary material

    • Tables: should have a clear and readable structure for the viewer; content in columns and rows should not be set with the space key; remember to include a title above the table.
    • Charts, etc.: all such materials should be titled; they should have a clear and readable structure for the recipient.
    • Illustrations: should be attached to the material in separate files, remembering about precise file names; in the text, places where illustrations are to be placed should be marked with the file title, putting this information in square brackets; files should be supplied in the following formats: jpg, tiff, png, bmp, pdf; minimum file resolution 300 DPI. The source and owner of the rights to the illustration should be cited. Final selection of illustrations is at the discretion of the publisher.

The Pomeranian University Publishing House makes every effort to ensure that publications meet all academic and editorial criteria. We take care to ensure the highest scientific level of the books and journals published.

Selection and appointment of reviewers

  1. The review process is carried out on an ongoing basis according to the rules adopted by the Publishing Board: at least 2 publishing reviews are required.
  2. The reviewers of the book are independent academics with recognised achievements in the field in which the book's subject matter falls. If it is not possible to engage an independent academic with a recognised body of work, a reviewer with a doctoral degree may be engaged.
  3. The author of the book has no influence on the selection of reviewers.
  4. Reviewers and the author of the book must not have a close professional or personal relationship with each other. 
  5. A conflict of interest is considered to be:
    (a) direct personal relationships (kinship, legal ties, conflict),
    (b) relationships of professional subordination,
    (c) direct scientific cooperation in the last two years preceding the preparation of the review.
    (d) other cases of close association that may affect the performance of the review.
  6. Reviewers and the author may not be co-authors of a previously produced publication or co-editors of the same collective work.
  7. In the case, the reviewer cannot be the thesis supervisor of the author's thesis or dissertation.
  8. Reviewers are bound by the principle of confidentiality; they may not consult the content of their review or in any way disseminate its content.
  9. In the event that the reviewer considers that the paper does not meet the academic criteria and is not eligible for publication, the reviewer should prepare a well-reasoned review with a negative conclusion.
  10. Once reviewers have been appointed by the Publisher, the author has no right to request that they be changed.
  11. The author does not have the right to request a change of reviewers after receiving the review text.
  12. The author must respond in writing to the content of the review.
  13. The author should improve the text in accordance with the reviewers' comments or explain in writing why he/she does not intend to take the comment into account. The reviewers are provided with the content of the author's response for review.
  14. Reviews that do not meet the substantive and formal requirements of a scientific review will not be accepted.
  15. The publisher archives both the reviews and the author's responses.
  16. Reviews are produced on the basis of the relevant formal contracts with the reviewers.

The Publishing Board of the Pomeranian University is made up of recognised authorities in their respective disciplines.

Prof. Dr. Wojciech Polak


Prof. Dr. Marcin Jurgielewicz - Rzeszów University of Technology
Dr Tomasz Safjański, Prof. Ucz - WSB Academy Dąbrowa Górnicza
Dr. Arkadiusz Durasiewicz, Prof. - University of Applied Sciences in Wrocław
Dr Marek Depczyński, Prof. Ucz - Academy of Military Art
Monika Kotowska, PhD, Prof. Ucz - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Dr. Norbert Malec, Prof. Ucz - University of Siedlce
Prof. Wojciech Polak - UMK in Toruń
D. S. Galij-Skarbińska, Prof. UMK
Dr Tomasz Kozłowski - ISP PAN
Dr Michał Przeperski - IHN PAN
Dr Magdalena Staręga - University of Gdańsk

Law & Security Yearbook is an international scientific journal of the University of Vocational Training in Wrocław and the Pomeranian University of Applied Sciences in Starogard Gdański, published since 2023. 

The pages of the Law & Security yearbook publish original and high quality articles on creative and original studies with reliable scientific sources and empirical results. Additionally, research reports on the state of Polish law, security sciences and dissertations prepared by well-known and respected authors - both Polish and foreign - are presented, as well as experts and authorities mainly from scientific and academic circles and practitioners.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Paweł Łabuz
Deputy Editor: Dr Irena Malinowska
Editorial Secretary: Agnieszka Sawicka

In the coming years, it is planned to include the periodical in the List of Punctuated Journals of the Ministry of Education and Science.  
ISSN 2956-7440 
e-ISSN 2956-7610

Magazine owner:
Higher School of Vocational Education / Pomeranian University of Starogard Gdański
Homepage of the magazine Law and Safety Yearbook


Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdanski
112/114 Kościuszki St.
83-200 Starogard Gdański
Pomeranian voivodeship

tel. (58) 563 00 90email: info@twojestudia.pl

Pomeranian University
in Starogard Gdański
the first university
in Kociewie, established
more than 20 years ago.
PU offers under- and postgraduate studies
on various courses:
. Administration, Pedagogy,
Logistics, Internal security

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